Welcome to The InMind Blog

This space was created to serve as an extension of our newsletter and a platform to address common themes, challenges and questions that often arise as we offer our support.

Being the Constant Jun 24, 2024
By: Alexandra Murtaugh

 Recently, my 8 year old has stopped saying goodbye to me when I drop him off at school. He’s always been very conscious of others’ perception of him, but...

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Summer: Plan B Jun 20, 2024
By: Josh MacNeill

As my wife and I prepared for this summer, we knew the transition from the routine of the school year to the unstructured days of summer would be challenging. With that in mind,...

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Vacationing with Young Kids Jun 18, 2024
By: Alexandra Murtaugh

Next week, we are taking our 4 young kids to North Carolina for a summer vacation. In preparation for the long road trip, I am making sure that there are plenty of activities...

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Language Around Misbehavior Jun 12, 2024
By: Alexandra Murtaugh

Two Sunday mornings in a row, my husband and I took our kids for a walk. The first Sunday, our three year old cried on and off for most of the walk, refusing to get in the...

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Putting Verbs to Non-Verbal Communication Jun 10, 2024
By: Lindsey Bernhardt

According to Albert Mehrabian, a well known communication researcher and expert, 55% of communication is non-verbal communication. This means that over half of what we are...

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The Role of Validation in Communication Jun 06, 2024
By: Alexandra Murtaugh

Recently, my two year old has started getting increasingly upset over things. He’s also speech-delayed, so sometimes when he’s upset, he doesn’t have...

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Home for the Summer Jun 03, 2024
By: Lindsey Bernhardt

It is always exciting to have your child come home from college for the summer. Whether it's their first or last year of college, it is a time to reconnect with your kid and...

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Thinking Before We Speak May 29, 2024
By: Lindsey Bernhardt

As a parent, I have found myself requesting that my children think before they speak. I would insist that they pause, providing them the opportunity to really consider what...

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Setting Our Pace May 27, 2024
By: Alexandra Murtaugh

I have 4 kids between the ages of 6 months to 8 years old to get ready in the mornings. Between 6:30 and 8:00, I have to make sure they are all dressed and fed, their bags...

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Time Is vs Time Out May 21, 2024

A common practice amongst parents is the implementation of the “time out.” I, too, have fallen victim to this easily implemented consequence plenty of times. Time-outs are certainly...

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Being a Cycle-Breaker May 19, 2024

I read books about parenting, listen to podcasts about parenting, and could speak for hours about my philosophies and beliefs about child development and raising kids. These philosophies and...

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Carpenter vs. Gardener May 17, 2024

In our backyard, we have a small raised bed vegetable garden. Last year, we had some success with butter lettuce and green beans. This year, our tomato plants flourished, but took over the entire...

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