Welcome to The InMind Blog

This space was created to serve as an extension of our newsletter and a platform to address common themes, challenges and questions that often arise as we offer our support.

Being a Cycle-Breaker May 19, 2024

I read books about parenting, listen to podcasts about parenting, and could speak for hours about my philosophies and beliefs about child development and raising kids. These philosophies and...

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Carpenter vs. Gardener May 17, 2024

In our backyard, we have a small raised bed vegetable garden. Last year, we had some success with butter lettuce and green beans. This year, our tomato plants flourished, but took over the entire...

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Afterschool Conversations May 15, 2024

When my oldest was in daycare and preschool, I got daily reports from his school about every aspect of his day— from how much he ate to how he behaved. I got used to knowing what happened...

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Supporting the Brain with Routines parenting Aug 15, 2023

{ICYMI Lauren discussed the importance of routines and how consistent expectations can help support children during transitions. Click here to read more.}

As families prepare for the start of...

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Parenting on Planes education parenting Aug 01, 2023

{ICYMI Alexandra shared insightful strategies on how to prepare for and enjoy vacation with your family. Click here to read more.}

Before we lift off (pun intended) and explore all things parenting...

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Summer Melt education newsletters parenting Jun 13, 2023

{ICYMI Lindsey shared insightful strategies on how to prepare for and enjoy having your college student home for summer vacation. Click here to read more.}

“Summer melt” is a common...

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InMind Newsletters newsletters Jun 01, 2023

Every month we publish a newsletter with thoughts and updates from our team. Browse through our recent issues:


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